Stay in the incubator after the birth – consequences
systemic constellations online psychobiology recall healing


I will share knowledge from psychobiology supported by my own experience. Maybe it will help you to understand yourself better.

Also, remember that you can go back to that point. I have done this many times and it is very helpful in releasing emotions and trauma from the body.

If you are a parent of such a child, especially a mother, it is worth going back to your emotions from that moment and releasing them. This process will support you and your baby.

What does an ‘incubator baby’ feel like?

Rejection, abandonment, separation, dissociation from others, feeling of struggle to survive alone, loneliness, hopelessness, feeling of not hearing others, feeling of not being heard by others, shame, feeling of being exposed to the public.

How this can manifest itself in life:

🤱 overweight (when I grow up, my mother will notice me; a big one has a better chance of surviving)

🤱 excessive buying of clothes (willingness to wrap up, warm up)

🤱 difficulty undressing in front of others in intimate situations, on the beach, pool (everyone looks at me), including the problem with public speaking

🤱 skin diseases such as allergies, psoriasis, etc. (effect of separation and lack of touch)

🤱 a sense of disrespect from other people (when I feel a lack of being heard, my words are worth nothing, they are in vain, no one hears)

🤱 tinnitus and squeaks (imitates hospital sounds from apparatus, lights passing through the glass)

🤱 difficulty hearing and understanding others (the incubator muffles the sounds of the outside world)

🤱 claustrophobia, agoraphobia

🤱 the feeling of hopelessness, grayness, abyss appearing out of nowhere

🤱 the feeling of fighting in solitude, especially in contentious social and life situations

🤱 ideas about heroism

🤱 lack of self-esteem and identity (mother did not manage to recognize the child immediately after birth or is afraid that he will be replaced)

I cordially invite you for a consultation if this is your topic and you need to work with it 😊


I invite you to a systemic constellation consultation or a psychobiology consultation

I invite you to my original program ‘I am, Me the Change’

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