Personal development, waiting for the harvest
systemic constellations psychobiology recall healing


Sometimes I have sessions with you where there is frustration that there is so much work done by yourself and you don’t feel the effects. There is a lack of progress, and even regression.

I know this feeling very well from my own experience and I understand your frustration, fatigue, discouragement, irritability and sadness.

In my experience, this can be the result of, for example:

– the ‘ineffectiveness’ of the method/technique chosen. In fact, what works for others doesn’t necessarily work for us personally. There are many moisturizing creams in cosmetics, but as customers, we choose those that work on our skin

– ‘overwork’. More precisely, when you embark on the path of self-discovery, it is fascinating and you may want to do more and faster. You can fall into the mechanism of catching everything, often or non-stop. Then, we do not have a moment to stop and allow ourselves to transform what we experienced during the process. We throw in more and more, and this causes the effect of being overwhelmed and leads to discouragement. I compare it to buying new clothes for the wardrobe without being happy with what we have and not making room for new ones

– ‘victim syndrome benefits’. More precisely, unknowingly benefiting from no change. Why this is so and why, everyone has to answer honestly for themselves. Without it, it’s harder to open up to new ones

– ‘trauma loops’. More precisely, it happens that when we come to repressed our own or ancestral traumatic experiences, re-traumatization occurs when we do not complete the process of healing the trauma. Then there is a loop and, what’s more, the victim syndrome may be ‘fed’

-“I still have so much to re-do.” As my current teacher Adam Muzyka from the University of Conscious Therapeutic 38 says, whom I cordially greet from this place 😍, ‘you can re-do chops into minced’. We do not respect ourselves, our lives, our ancestors, wanting to leave ‘problems’ behind quickly. We are, who we are. There is nothing to improve, modify or make better here. However, our beliefs and emotions may not serve us, make the quality of our lives unsatisfactory. And since the external life is the result of our interior, it is worth taking action to improve its quality through our own work

Good luck! When you ‘stuck’ in the process, I cordially invite you for an individual consultation 🙂

p.s. Speaking of harvest, my cucumbers this year. I don’t know about you, but I love the process of

growing vegetables. Already have some of your own? Who will boast? 😍


I invite you to a systemic constellation consultation or a psychobiology consultation

I invite you to my original program ‘I am, Me the Change’

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