Feeling lost, awaiting for a solution
systemic constellations psychobiology recall healing


There are days when I wake up feeling lost inside.

Literally. As if the mind is trying to grab onto something, but it doesn’t know what, it’s looking for something, but it has the feeling of emptiness, lack of resources, lack of support. It doesn’t know something, it doesn’t understand, it drills, further deepening his confusion.

And in the emotions, anxiety lined with fear, a bit of sadness, a bit of anger.

Yes, there are such days and one is today.

I discovered that these are the days that follow the experience of getting to the wall with a topic. That is, the patent I had no longer works and now needs to be changed, modified, perhaps a step back needs to be taken. Whatever, because the current one won’t work, but there is no idea for a new one.

I found that on such days it is best to take care of the simple things in life i.e., set goals for the day with tasks to organize the space around me. Washing, dusting, doing nails, cleaning out the drawer with accessories, organizing folders in outlook. This calms the mind, allows it to get busy with ‘important’ things.

At the same time, I have the intention of finding a new patent on the subject in which I have hit the wall. And it comes, in its own time and pace. When the mind is calm, the emotions also subside.

Why should you pay attention to these mechanisms?

Because our emotional conflicts affect our body, i.e., if we are frantically looking for patents for existing ‘problems’ in our emotions, after finding a solution, the body begins to regenerate, i.e., ‘get sick’. The longer and more emotionally intense the moment of conflict, the stronger the symptoms in the body.

So: ‘Yes, today I feel lost. I know that this is not a permanent state and I will find a solution and the power to change it. ❤️ 🔥


I invite you to a systemic constellation consultation or a psychobiology consultation https://magdalenamagrian.com/en/contact/

I invite you to my original program ‘I am, Me the Change’ https://magdalenamagrian.com/en/contact/

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