We do it when: we don’t want rejection, we care about the opinions of others, we try to control the situation, we want to feel needed, we want to be liked.
And all this so we do not need to look at our own.
How does it manifest itself?
We live for other people’s affairs, we spend time on other people’s problems, hours on tvseries, news, hours on phones, boxes, you tube and others. We are indignant, disbelieving, irritated, excited. Sometimes we will notice that we feel de facto ripped out, drained, collapsed, that these things have no value to our lives in here and now. That the bills still have to be paid, that the child is looking for contact with us, that “we don’t have time” for something valuable to us.
And underneath: anxiety, fear, sadness, anger, and above all, the lack: of a kind word, touch, praise, signs of recognition, hugs. Taking care of others, we do not have time for our own affairs, but thanks to this we gain the illusion of recognition, of being busy, needed.
And where have all this come from? When did we feel like this?
Most often in a childhood. The alive part in us, called the inner child, is looking for attention, contact, seeing, releasing the retained emotions.
When we start this process, after accepting how it was, comes tenderness, emotion, joy, the will to live, already our own life. We gain time for our own affairs, new projects and ideas are born. And sometimes we notice how tired we are and how much we need a simple rest.
Photo: Katarzyna Magrian 🙏
☯️Zapraszam na moje wydarzenia:
28-30 lipca Normobaria Wilanów – Psychobiologia i Ustawienia Hellingerowskie ‘Dzieciństwo, zdejmuję okulary’
11-13 sierpnia Normobaria Wilanów – Psychobiologia i Ustawienia Hellingerowskie ‘Mężczyzna okiem kobiety’
8-10 września Normobaria Wilanów – Psychobiologia i Ustawienia Hellingerowskie ‘Powrót do szkoły, dlaczego moje dziecko choruje?’
15-17 września Dublin, Irlandia – Psychobiologia, Ustawienia Hellingerowskie, praca z oddechem ‘Jak nie teraz to kiedy?’
30 września Gdańsk – Warsztat Ustawień Hellingerowskich ‘Moje zasoby rodowe’
28 października Gdańsk – Ustawienia Hellingerowskie ‘Strata, żałoba, żal, smutek’
3-5 listopada Normobaria Wilanów – Psychobiologia i Ustawienia Hellingerowskie ‘Strata, żałoba, żal, smutek’
2 grudnia Gdańsk – Ustawienia Hellingerowskie ‘Przed Nowym’
Zapisy: magdalena@magdalenamagrian.com
Zapraszam na konsultację ustawienia hellingerowskie, psychobiologia
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